Third Sector Forum

The Third Sector Forum East Ayrshire is coordinated by CVO East Ayrshire  as the Third Sector Interface (TSI). A Scottish Government Initiative, TSIs exist in each local authority area to provide a coherent mechanism of support to Third Sector organisations and ensure the sector is engaged at a strategic level with the Community Planning Partnerships (CPP). East Ayrshire’s TSI is a partnership arrangement between Council for Voluntary Organisations (East Ayrshire).

The aims of the TSI:
Support voluntary organisations in their local area
Develop and support social enterprise
Promote and support volunteering

Third Sector Forum Mission

The Third Sector Forum exits in East Ayrshire to connect the Third Sector to Community Planning and other key partners and ensure that the Third Sector contributes to making East Ayrshire a better place to live and work for all communities and residents of East Ayrshire.

The Forum is the collective voice of the Third Sector, securing representation for strategic groups in East Ayrshire and coordinating existing work. It does not itself deliver services but seeks to create an environment where Third Sector organisations can work effectively and fulfil their potential.

Third Sector Forum Aims

Provide a coherent, collective voice for the Third Sector and strengthen engagement between the Third Sector and Community Planning Partners.
Create a place and structure for strategic dialogue with Third Sector agencies and other partners in East Ayrshire.
Increase the Third Sector’s input in key areas of public policy in East Ayrshire and impact on the delivery of public services.
Identify and highlight support needs of Third Sector organisations to the Third Sector Interface East Ayrshire in order to ensure an effect appropriate support and representation.

Third Sector Forum Objectives

Act as a hub, providing a mechanism both for sharing information throughout the sector and for collecting the views of the sector and highlighting issues faced by East Ayrshire communities.
To be a contact point for the public sector at a regional, strategic level.
Offer mutual support through events, meetings and communications in order to have a positive impact on the lives of East Ayrshire’s residents and communities.
Enable partnership working.
Promote and connect the work of the Forum to the core Third Sector Interface to ensure representation and consultation.
Source relevant training opportunities.

Structure of the Forum

The Third Sector Forum currently consists of two sub-forums:
Children and Young People’s Third Sector Forum.
Health and Social Care Providers Third Sector Forum.

The CVO(EA) Ltd will facilitate and govern the Forum, taking responsibility for the day to day working of the Forum and its administration, sharing and collation of information across the sector and supporting Forum representatives.

Membership of the Forum

All independent Third Sector organisations, with or without a constitution may join the Forum and as such can attend Forum events/training, receive Forum information, updates and participate in Forum consultations, surveys, responses etc.

Definition of terms

Third Sector: For the purposes of the Forum and its membership, we describe Third Sector organisations as being: for social purpose; non-profit distributing; constitutionally independent from the state and from the central and local government; and self-governing.

For enquiries, please contact:
Carol Nisbet, Third Sector Coordinator
