Working together with all of our communities to improve and sustain wellbeing and care, and to promote equity. New legislation, in the form of the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 came into force on 1 April 2014. The Act requires health boards and local authorities to integrate a range of health and social care services.
On 2 April 2015, East Ayrshire Integration Joint Board was established with the commitment to improving the health and care outcomes for patients, families, carers and wider communities. NHS Ayrshire and Arran and East Ayrshire Council are working together, through the Integration Joint Board, as a new health and social care partnership. The partnership will deliver positive outcomes for our residents by ensuring that children and young people get the best start in life, that people live healthier, longer lives and are supported to be independent and have choice and control – no matter who they are or where they live.
East Ayrshire Integration Joint Board has wide representation including: four elected members from East Ayrshire Council; four Non-Executive Directors from NHS Ayrshire and Arran; employee and union representation; carers and people who use our services; medical and clinical professionals; social work professionals; and representation from the third sector and independent sectors.
For enquiries, please contact:
Moira Fenton, Health & Social Care Partnership Manager
01563 574000