Community Connectors

Our amazing team of 8 Community Connectors and Community Engagement Workers have been in post for many years. The service is commissioned by East Ayrshire’s Health and Social Care Partnership and managed by the Council of Voluntary Organisations (East Ayrshire) Ltd.

Community Connectors are aligned to GP practices across East Ayrshire and work closely with practice teams and aligned practitioners. We engage with and actively support clients to find and access services or resources best suited to meet their needs and circumstances. The project not only provides a responsive and holistic service for clients but also progressively influences the workload of GP practices by reducing the number of unnecessary appointments.

The service is available to any person registered with a GP or statutory services.

The Community Connector team have built strong links across East Ayrshire’s statutory services and third sector organisations, and the response to the service from professionals and clients has been overwhelmingly positive. The relationships that Community Connectors and engagement workers have built have helped to establish this service as a reliable and meaningful resource in East Ayrshire.

Client Quotes

“The Community Connector has been a great development for primary care; a fantastic asset to our surgery” – Practice Sister

“Amazing service, as a family we wouldn’t be where we are now without the invaluable help, support & advice from our Community Connector” – Patient

For enquiries, please contact:
Moira Fenton, Health & Social Care Partnership Manager
 01563 574000
