The staff of CVO East Ayrshire sit on a number of key forums for the purpose of representing the third sector. Should you have a concern or idea you wish to raise through any of these forums, please get in touch with us and we will be happy to discuss it with you and take it to the most appropriate of them. The dates for meetings of these partnerships can be found on our calendar.
Public Partnership Forum
The NHS forum for discussing how, when and where services are delivered in your area. The forum membership is made up of voluntary organisations and other interested individuals. They don’t discuss individual cases or complaints but promote wider partnership involvement in the decision making and planning process around healthcare.
Community Health Partnership
East Ayrshire CHP exists to manage and coordinate the delivery of a range of health services in the area. It has equivalents in North and South Ayrshire.
Financial Inclusion Group
This group is working to find ways to mitigate the effects of welfare reform and other economic factors on the residents of East Ayrshire.
Partners include East Ayrshire Council (Social Work, Housing, Energy Advice and Revenues and Benefits), Ayrshire and Sovereign Credit Unions, Registered Social Landlords, DWP (National Partnership Team and Jobcentre Plus), East Ayrshire Advocacy Service, East Ayrshire Citizens Advice Bureau and NHS Ayrshire and Arran.
Current priorities are mapping the support provision available across the area, the development of an online platform to help residents access the most appropriate financial support and advice, whether that means signposting to an organisation for income maximisation or the information required to access the Scottish Welfare Fund, and the development of a financial inclusion strategy for the area.
East Ayrshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership
East Ayrshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership.
The key strategic forum for East Ayrshire.
The partnership is made up of senior staff from East Ayrshire Council, Ayrshire College, NHS Ayrshire and Arran, Police Scotland, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, Coalfield Communities Federation, East Ayrshire North Communities Federation, Scottish Enterprise, Scottish Government, Skills Development Scotland, Strathclyde Partnership for Transport, Volunteer Centre East Ayrshire and CVO East Ayrshire. Partners discuss and set the high level priorities for the area and have responsibility for ensuring that all partners work toward the Community Planning Outcomes detailed in the Single Outcome Agreement (SOA) which you can download here: Local Outcome Improvement Plan
The shared vision of these partners is that:
“East Ayrshire will be a place with strong, vibrant communities where everyone has a good quality of life and access to opportunities, choices and high quality services which are sustainable, accessible and meet people’s needs.”
The four key themes which have been identified in East Ayrshire and continued after the recent mid-term review are:
Promoting Lifelong Learning
Delivering Community Regeneration
Community Safety
Improving Health and Wellbeing
More information on the local outcomes for each of these themes can be found in the SOA document.
East Ayrshire Homelessness Forum
This forum looks at the causes of homelessness and repeat homelessness and how to reduce them by way of providing services to support people at risk of, and experiencing homelessness. These included tenancy sustainment support, provision of affordable furniture, social supports and access to services. Partners include East Ayrshire Council, East Ayrshire Churches Homeless Action, Ayrshire East Foodbank, NHS Ayrshire and Arran, Break the Silence, Women’s Aid and Blue Triangle Housing Association.
East Ayrshire Employability Forum
This group takes an overview of factors affecting employment and business in the area and ensures that partners in the public, private and third sectors are working together to find the most suitable solutions to benefit residents of the area and support the development of businesses. The group has developed a co-ordinated approach to engaging with potential employers to market recruitment incentives and support their recruitment processes.
Partners include East Ayrshire Council (Economic Development and Education), Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce, Skills Development Scotland, Ayrshire College, Volunteer Centre East Ayrshire, East Ayrshire Woodlands, WEA Job Rotation and Jobcentre Plus.