CVO East Ayrshire exists to represent the voluntary sector, to assist organisations in East Ayrshire to come together for common purposes and to enable local people to gain access to the decision processes which affect their communities. CVO East Ayrshire acts as the local Third Sector Interface to deliver four core functions:
Volunteering development (support for volunteers and organisations who support volunteers).
Social enterprise development (to promote and develop social enterprise locally).
Supporting and developing a strong Third Sector (support for Third Sector organisations on setting up a charity, training and development, and funding advice).
Building the relationship with community planning (acting as the conduit and connecting the Third Sector with the implementation of the Single Outcome Agreements and Community Planning Process)
If your organisation would like to find out more about what we can offer please contact us on the following email addresses:
Training, Community or Social Enterprise Development or Capacity Building:
If you are interested in volunteering or your organisation would like to support to recruit volunteers:
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